I developed a Simple WebService using JDK6's in-built JAX-WS support and deployed on Tomcat6 as a Web Project.
For that I need to copy jaxws-api.jar in TOMCAT_HOME/endorsed directory (due to some class loader issues) and some JAX-WS RI jars in WEB-INF/lib and finally it is working fine.
Now I need to write a Client for some other JAX-WS webservice deployed somewhere else and call it from my Web App that I created.
Here I am getting errors because of having the JAX-WS jars in my WEB-INF/lib folder.
I am able to call the webservice from a standalone
java project without having JAX-WS RI jars on my classpath.
Can someone tell me how can I deploy a Web Project which is a WebService Provider and WebService Consumer as well?