In our application we are using
Jboss Message Queue and the MDB's for message processing. The MDB's will process the request (Queue) and sends the reponse.(publishes to topic).
But after processing each message by the onMessage, "Message id is null" Error message is getting displayed in the jboss console (linux m/c). The functionalities are working fine but the only problem is this error message.
So we do not want to get this error message displayed. Could you please help me out in resolving this issue .
We are using jboss-5.1.0.GA as Application server.
Jboss console Logs:
Jboss server Log:
Source Code for Reference:
This class is used for processing the message from Queue and to send the response.(publish it to the topic)
This class is used for sending messages to the queue and for listening to the reponse published to topic.
This class actually sends the message to the queue
This class actually listen to the Topic