posted 13 years ago
i need your help guyz i have coded a program with Jtree which is just displaying two nodes and 2 leaf nodes in one node and one is root
and also i have implemented a code within that to change the name of any leaf node dynamically means user can change the name as per his needs
till now it works fine , i mean the code does his job well by allowing to edit the nodes and rename them , but problem occurs when i restart that application the earlier modifications are just lost
and that was very easy to catch it was happening because i was filling the tree with the hard coded values from the constructor ...but i need to know how to replace my modified value with the hard coded ones because at any cost i need to fill the tree at start up so that user can see all its files
but how is this possible to retrieve the last change and replace it when we are filling the tree at start up so that our users can see the modified name of any file ?
code is