Kamanashis Biswas wrote:Project.apk file is not installing in emulator-5554 . Why ???
I am new to this Android world . When i am try to run the "HelloWorld" program, "emulator-5554" is lunching , and then its showing in the screen "ANDROID" , but no view !!! Console is giving " [2011-12-04 14:20:49 - Lab1] Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched....... " and then [2011-12-04 14:23:03 - Lab1] Failed to install Lab1.apk on device 'emulator-5554! '....... Please find me a solution .
Thanks to All.
With the emulator
you should get what appears to be a fully functional phone system. The black android screen should disappear and give way to a lock screen, which you have to manually unlock, unless you code like the phone app where it has the access rights to automatically unlock the phone..
From here I am making a few assumptions.
You are using Eclipse
Your helloworld program and emulator is started by using the Eclipse Debug or Run command/button....
The one I can't guess on is the operating system you are using. If it is windows vista or better I would disable the firewall to see if it helps, code in Ubuntu and have not had as many issues as when I was trying with M$ OS.
But here are some of the things I look for when I have crazy errors..
Again assuming Eclipse is the
IDE, I have had problems with application failing to launch on emulator and my phone.
The very first thing I do is delete the "R.java" file.
This file can be located on the left hand side of the IDE under the package view.
To get this file click to expand the gen[Generated
Java Files].
Then click to expand the helloworld sub-item and you will see the R.java file.
Right click on the file and select delete.
This file will be regenerated by eclipse immediately after the delete.
I would
test again from there.
I would also test the app on a physical device if available otherwise here are some more things to try.
In AVD Manager I would create a new Virtual device based on the Samsung Galaxy and test again.
The AVD can be downloaded by Android SDK Manager.
It would be helpful to understand the OS and computer configuration:
1. OS vendor and version
2. CPU specs
3. Memory Specs - RAM and Freespace.
Hope this gives you a starting place in the wonderful world of troubleshooting.