I'm reediting: It's a
Maven project and I have to add a external file to the repository.
I'm explaining what happened. The class Nodo had a method that uses JDOM library, and it was failing. That's why it worked with a
string, a string doesn't use that library. Now I have supressed that method and it works, but I still need that method. Do you know how can I make it work? As I say down here, I use Springsource Tool Suite (eclipse) and I had added the jdom.jar file as a external jar in the build path.
Hi guys,
I hope you can help me. I'm creating an easy MVC web app with Spring Framework (using STS) and I'm having problems with
I have a jsp page where I want to show some properties of my object "Nodo", but I'm getting this error:
I hope it's a silly error and you can help me, it would be great for me. Thank you.