Hi, actually i'm using a
struts + javascript to create HTML code that i use inside a popup window...
My (working) code is:
/* var cols = parent.document.getElementById('rowA').getElementsByTagName('THEAD')[0].getElementsByTagName('TH'); */
var idoc='<html:form styleId="InsertNewItem" action="/nw/insertnewitem.do?target='+parent.newPop.action+'">';
var hiddenForm = getParentObj('hidden_data_form');
var cols = hiddenForm.getElementsByTagName('INPUT');
for(k = 0; k < cols.length; k++) {
if(cols[k].id.substring(0,3) == "hh_")
idoc += "<TR><TD>";
idoc += cols[k].id.substring(3);
idoc += "</TD><TD>";
idoc += '<html:text property="'+cols[k].id+'" value=""/>';
idoc += "</TD></TR>";
var towr = document.getElementById("subwin_body");
towr.innerHTML = idoc;
The problem is when i try to add a <html:select> to the code, more precisely i added just before the end of the table these lines:
idoc += "<TR><TD>Ditta:";
idoc += "</TD><TD>";
idoc += '<html:select property="ditta_id">';
idoc += '<html
ptions collection="sel_ditta_list" labelProperty="label" property="value"/>';
idoc += '</html:select>';
idoc += "</TD></TR>";
... but i cannot get it to work because struts seems to make some mistake with quotes and in javascript console window i get this error:
Error: unterminated
string literal
File source:
http://localhost:8180/nw/jsp/insertNewItemOperatore.jsp Row: 121, Column: 10
Source Code:
idoc += '<option value="1">1</option>
(note the missing ending single-quote)
I can't understand why because with <html:text> field the same "trick" works fine... any ideas?
Thanks in advance
[ May 04, 2007: Message edited by: Luca Spallared ]
[ May 04, 2007: Message edited by: Luca Spallared ]