I am stuck figuring out how to set directory location to be used by javadb. Below is the code I using to create database, a
test table and few queries - it uses some other class too to find appropriate location of database.
I have used
- Line Number 43-44.
But running this shows me the database directory as DBLocation: /home/vikesh/.logbook/db[/b],
whereas it creates the database directory named db_log_data in the same directory from where I run this. Is there any other way I can specify location of database. What I am doing wrong?
Here is the output of above:
DBLocation: /home/vikesh/.logbook/db
Got A Connection: org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedConnection40@26977856 (XID = 152), (SESSIONID = 1), (DATABASE = db_log_data), (DRDAID = null)
Got: 1, hmmmm
Thanks for helping.