Thank you so much, it works perfectly with the read-properties-plugin and I already managed to make the pom.xml read the properties file to set the values of ip, port, paths, etc.
I'm now having an issue with the "filtering" tag. The project contains the source files, the structure of the "src" folder is like this:
-(dir)library project
-(dir)transport project
-(dir)webservice project
----------------------------(dir)code package (this is my properties file where I set the variables for pom build)
----------------------------log4j.xml (here I also set variables to stablish the path where logs are stored in xml)
--------------------------------web.xml (here I set a path to define the userfolder in which messages are stored)
-------------------------------------wsdlfile.wsdl (this is the wsdl file copied when I use wsimport, here I set the port, ip and custom name of my service)
--------------------wsdlfile.wsdl (This is the wsdl attached for the users, but I need to replace the values here also)
The structure of my web service project is very complex, I don't know how to reflect it but the problem is that when I execute the pom and the build finishes, the target folder generates a classes directory and a war file, inside my classes directory, the values for the properties files and xml files are changed but when I open the war to see the contents, there are some of the properties that are not replaced and stay with the ${port.value} and so on. I think it's because the filtering tag.
My filtering tag inside resource is as follows:
And for the webResources is like this:
I put the src root folder as directory because I want to change ALL the references in all files when building the war, but it doesn't replace all the values and it generates even more files and makes the war size bigger.
I'm looking for some solution to this issue. Thanks in advance for the help to everybody