The issue is
1) On a WebPage using Javascript , dynamically creating elements .
2) The page initially has a parent Division
3) The code loops 10 times .
4) In each loop , the code creates one new input Box with a new Id [ inputid + i (loop counter) ] and add it to a parent Division .
5) A new division is created , with a new id [ id + i ] and add it to the parent division , with the innerHTML value of id + i .
6) Add a function to the text box which on change updates the innerHTML value of coressponding div [ or at least is expected to ]
However , with this code , when i change the text inside the first TextBox [ or for that reason any other textBox ] , the
last div gets updated .
My understanding was that the inner div would be attached to the correct textBox . So changing the first text would update the first div and so on .
Please help .
Entire Code attached for reference :
Pretty sure , someone else would have faced the same issue . If someone could point to the right
thread .