I've done some RMI examples before but I haven't tried dynamically loading code to server yet. So I looked up
RMI tutorial and slightly modified the example. First I started rmiregistry in my home directory (eg. away from CLASSPATH of my two projects), then I created server & client projects. The reason for two projects is to not share CLASSPATH. Then I tried to execute server main() (
compute/ComputeEngine.java) but RMI fails to get
shared/Compute.java interface (exception & code below). I tried to start registry inside server main() (eg.
createRegistry(int) instead of
getRegistry(int)) or start rmiregistry program in directory with compiled server classes and server startup worked. However now client main() (
client/ComputeLong.java) threw same exception. According to tutorial, rmiregistry shouldn't have access to any CLASSPATH. My goal is to execute class unknown to server (implementing common interface) in server. What am I doing wrong? Thank you.
For clarity I omitted policy related files (they work, I tried it with command line settings too).
Task and
Compute interfaces are copy-pasted between projects but they're same.
This exception is from server project, but it looks exactly same in client (rmi-test-client):