I don't understand what you're trying to do. SOAP is something that is generally created dynamically at runtime via a library, not manually or statically. What do you hope to achieve by creating SOAP statically? Can you post an example of the SOAP you have, the SOAP you'd like to have, and explain the use case?
So you do not actually want to add that header manually, you want to add it programmatically at runtime? How are you creating the SOAP call, meaning - which API are you using?
Sorry, I don't get it. You don't want to add it manually, and you don't want to add it programmatically. When, and how, do you want to add it? It seems that your problem is rather unusual, so you need to tell us more about it.
Sorry, it's not any clearer. You're asking about an XML/SOAP file that you have locally on your machine? What, exactly, do you mean by "transformation"? If you can add SOAP tags, why can't you add SOAP headers?
SOAP is a very simple format; I suggest you read its specification, then it should become clear. I also don't want to send you down some wrong avenue, as I don't understand what you're trying to do, and why.
I don't think anyone will be able to help you unless and until you answer these questions:
Tim Moores wrote:Sorry, it's not any clearer. You're asking about an XML/SOAP file that you have locally on your machine? What, exactly, do you mean by "transformation"? If you can add SOAP tags, why can't you add SOAP headers?
Are you using an existing SOAP toolkit such as AXIS2 or are you using standard Java to manage sending the request?
In one place you say SOAP header and in another HTTP headers - not the same. SOAP headers are part of the HTTP request body sent to the SOAP server. Which is it?
Well, if SOAPui doesn't provide for that you will need to write your own code to send the request, right?
It is pretty straightforward, the java standard library has all you need to make a HTTPUrlConnection and send a request with the body being your SOAP message.
yes there is an option to add the custom HTTP headers in SoapUI. But i need to add the same in the request itself instead of adding it through some options.
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