Walter Gabrielsen Iii wrote:You think that Applets are dead because they're an old technology?
Walter Gabrielsen Iii wrote:If you want a web application then you should use Java Web Start ...
Walter Gabrielsen Iii wrote:Apple stopped developing Java on Mac OS X after Sun (then owner of Java) sued Apple for adding Mac-only special extentions to the Java API on their platform. That version was 1.4 and had the security vulnerablility. Apple realized too late about this and so, embarrassed from the hack, Apple finally turned Java Mac over to Oracle (Java's current owner) to develop, and the problem has been fixed.
Walter Gabrielsen Iii wrote:You can understand my confusion, yes?
Walter Gabrielsen Iii wrote:Yes I do know what Webstart is.
Java applets can be launched in two ways.
1. You can launch an applet by specifying the applet's launch properties directly in the applet tag. This old way of deploying applets imposes severe security restrictions on the applet.
2. Alternatively, you can launch your applet by using Java Network Launch Protocol (JNLP). Applets launched by using JNLP have access to powerful JNLP APIs and extensions.
Bear Bibeault wrote:
Walter Gabrielsen Iii wrote:You can understand my confusion, yes?
Not at all. It's easy to find information on Java for the Mac. And how you came to the conclusion that they not only stopped at 1.4, but as the result of some fictitious lawsuit, is beyond me.
Walter Gabrielsen Iii wrote:I thought Sun went after them next, after Microsoft.
My idea of the time line goes something like this:
Apple nixed - Java 1.4
luck, db
There are no new questions, but there may be new answers.
Pat Farrell wrote:I think applets have been dead for all of the century because they no longer solve the problem we have.
While I dislike Javascript as a language, its where the industry has moved.
Many folks here use applets because they are taking a introductory course in Java, and back when the course was designed, books written, etc. it looked like applets would be a good solution. They have not. But the courses and books still cover it as if it was important.
Tim Moores wrote:
Walter Gabrielsen Iii wrote:I thought Sun went after them next, after Microsoft.
They didn't.
My idea of the time line goes something like this:
Apple nixed - Java 1.4
As Bear said, that never happened.
Bear Bibeault wrote:Yes, please stop posting flights of fancy as if they were facts.
Walter Gabrielsen Iii wrote:I still maintain that consumers were, in the past few years, buying Macs from Apple with very old versions of Java pre-installed on them.
Marcus Kelvin wrote:
I quite like js and have been using it for years; I think in general it is a better "solution" to client side dynamic content than applets, partially because it is better integrated into the page, and partially because the nature of the language better suits the scale of most client side programming. However, for certain particular things involving say, complex widgets, applets have a very clear advantage because of the whole swing library; you can very easily do things that would be a serious (and problematic) undertaking in javascript (where you'd also run into a disadvantage of integration into the page and browser, namely, browser heterogeneity and awkwardness).
Jayesh A Lalwani wrote:Are there any specific examples of things that can be done better in Swing?
Tim Moores wrote:
Walter Gabrielsen Iii wrote:I still maintain that consumers were, in the past few years, buying Macs from Apple with very old versions of Java pre-installed on them.
Let's look at the facts of that, then. Java 5 came out in 2004, and was available beginning with OS X 10.4 which came out in 2005. Java 6 came out in 2006, and was available beginning with OS X 10.5 which came out in 2007. Java 7 came out in 2011 and is indeed so far not available in a released version for OS X - Java 6 still has to do; that can't possibly be what you mean, can it? So which are these "very old versions" "in the past few years" you speak of?
Walter Gabrielsen Iii wrote:
Jayesh A Lalwani wrote:Are there any specific examples of things that can be done better in Swing?
In a word: Threads. I don't know how far other client-side scripts have advance, but, at least years ago, Java's main advantage for interactive content was its native support for multi-threading.
Walter Gabrielsen Iii wrote:
On the other hand, Applets are known keyboard traps (you can tab into Applets but not out of them) which is a problem for creating accessible web content that relies on keyboard-only access.
That's why Applets should only ever be used on their own specialty pages where the Applet is, in fact, the main purpose of the page -- That way people can always browse away from the page or, as a last resort, close the browser window to escape from the Applet.
Jayesh A Lalwani wrote:Also, applets look "out of place" in a page that has HTML elements. The way Java renders the controls doesn't look like the way browsers renders the same controls. And, you cannot use stylesheets which breaks the pardigm that web development that is moving towards. The elements on the page should only define what to show the user. How the element looks is controlled by the stylesheet. If you want to change the look & feel, all you do is update the stylesheet and your entire site changes. You can't do that with an applet. You have to incur additional development cost to modify each applet that you developed
Jayesh A Lalwani wrote:However, it will require a lot of work to make the applet look like they are at home in all browsers. You cannot do it without breaking the WORE paradigm. You would need differrent implementations for differrent browsers.
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