Assuming that the "continue" is used in conjunction with a comparison
<logic:iterate> <logic:equal> This part will only be executed if the condition is true </logic:equal> else it will continue. </logic:iterate>
You may use a logic tag ( equal, notequal, present ..) for the comparison. Will this serve the purpose?? [ October 25, 2007: Message edited by: Ranjit Gopinathan ]
But i think i need to explain my problem a little bit more. Actually i am using nested <logic:iterate>. Now what i want is that when the inner loop prints some value it should break it and continue with the next outer loop. Here loops means logic iterate. So what i should do now. I need it very urgently. Please help me.
If i understand the logic correctly , the second array list ( inner one ) need to be iterated only once, whatever be its size.Because equal or not equal the flow must exit that inner list.
In that case, instead of the array list, a simple bean can be used right?
Or else write a method in action form which will return the first object of the array List. get that bean and process it.