Hey all,
I have a small app running in
tomcat and I need a forum. I chose JForum and now I want the users that have access to JForum to be mapped to my Tomcat app..
I was able to configure my Tomcat to work with a mysql temp database holding username+password+role(group).
Now my problem: the userpassword is encypted and now it�s not workin anymore...
This is what I found but I don�t know how to use.....
Using digested passwords
To use digested password you need to store them digested. To achieve this, you will need to use the same digest strategies that JDBCrealm uses to store the passwords. Iinside JDBCRealm there is a static method with signature final public static String digest(String password,String algorithm). This method is provided as a tool to be used outside JDBCRealm by an application that wants to generate digested passwords readable by JDBCRealm.
The class JDBCRealm contains a main method, so it can be used as an application to generate digests and print them to stdout. Usage is:
java org.apache.tomcat.modules.aaa.RealmBase -a <algorithm> <password> [<password> ...]
where <algorithm> is a supported message digest algorithm, e.g. MD5, and <password> is a plaintext password to be digested.
Note: the jar where RealmBase class can be found is %TOMCAT_HOME%/lib/container/tomcat_modules.jar
What gigest alg is used?
[originally posted on jforum.net by masjabb]