At the end of the book, an Appendix outlines Uncle Bob's SOLID principles. Throughout the text, you'll see several references to Uncle Bob's principles, as well. The acyclic relationships
pattern is a derivative of Bob's Acyclic Dependencies principle. But there is also a big difference. If you recall, Uncle Bob originally called these package principles. I don't find the package principles as useful as the modularity patterns because the
Java package isn't a physical construct, but a logical construct.
Take a look at the acknowledgements in the excerpt below. Aside from my experience applying this stuff, there were four other significant influences. One of those is Uncle Bob's work. The other include Clemens Szyperski and his work on component software, John Lakos and his work on C++ large scale design, and the GOF work.
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modularity.kirkk.com where you can review all 18 patterns and download an excerpt of the book. There is also a
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