Hello again,
Thanks for the reply, after reading Erich's reply I went about trying to configure the visitor to validate the model, but I was not able to do so.
I created an <Model Class Name>-validation.xml file next to the model class, with the validation for the model, in the action validation file I created a configuration for the model, I tried to use the field-name as the class name, as "model"(since the action property for the model is surprisingly model).
I tried to configure it without using prefix, using prefix as model. In none of my attempts the validation fired for the model properties. I was unable to find proper documentation on the usage of the visitor field, being the only one:
http://struts.apache.org/2.x/docs/visitor-validator.html But the documentation is lacking, for example it does not tell me if I have to have one visitor to each field or just one visitor to each model object regardless of the number of fields that must be validated against.
Anyone has pointers to were look for more info? Like books or a sample aplication that actually use visitor?