I had eclipse/adt/sdk/avd/ 2.2 ANDROID, but I not used and now in fact I reinstalled it but delete only sdk and eclipse dirs... needed delete and C:\Users\User\.android on uninstall/reinstall? I forget delete the latter and now seems can NOT run/simulate Apps...well?
what was needed for uninstall...? I just delete folders... Before 2yrs I was running success Apps...
When I just created a new project, this means "Hello..." will run and output or...needed added programming, for even this to get printed? OR NOT, WITHOUT ADDING, IS RUNNING HELLO...?
I tried differently many times now get:
[2012-04-18 21:19:59 - Welcome] Could not find Welcome.apk! // appear this now, well ?
Other times appears "the project contains errors , please fix them before running your app" without error inside project (only in project name root the red star)...
what to do? I Guess not deleted this folder and is pointing to old sdk, the avd i guess in this folder, what to suggest to run my 4.03 FIRST app, Without, adding code?
problem with install/uninstall/reinstall not program since i never run an app in 2012 but only in 2010... i think AVD remains in folder metioned and use SDL old that get deleted... I have to delete the mentioned folder (C:\Users\User\.android) and what next ...?
Well, I uninstalled android from eclipse …to reinstall should delete any folders interfere remained from old installation… what for sure to confirm that does not exist – get deleted for sure, and AFTER PROCEED INSTALL?
This folder, C:\Users\User\.android, exist, better delete it before install again? What else?
I have two eclipse installations (Helios & Indigo) both uninstalled ANDROID functionality…
One last point: Upon create a new Android project, without any additions, it runs success (on AVD) and prints “Hello…”? correct?
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