posted 12 years ago
Hi Fellow Ranchers
i am using jasperreports-4.1.2.jar,poi-3.7-20101029.jar in one of my projects.I have to generate xlsx report using Jasper. I have ireports 4.1.1 for report designing.
the report is getting generated fine.But all the numeric values are appearing as Text.
i have used following in my code where i export the report via JRXlsxExporter.
But still the issue exists.Can you please explain why this is happening or how this can be resolved? is it a problem with jar version?
Vinny M
proud fan of European Champion Chelsea F.C.
Regards,Vinny M.
proud Fan of European Champion CHELSEA FC
"If you don't see the bug where you're looking, perhaps you're looking in the wrong place" -James Gosling