I have my managed bean added correctly in faces-config.xml.
EL expression works in "New JavaServer Faces (
JSF) Page (xhtml, xml syntax)" (I have this option after I select new
JSP file) but not in "New Facelet Footer" (when I select new HTML) page!
When I create html page with "New Facelet Footer" I have to add next lines but it doesn't give needed jsf components via Content Assist
I take any possible option to create html with JSF like: "New Facelet Composition Page", "New Facelet Footer", "New Facelet Header", "New Facelet Template" but in any case I don't have EL expression working.
With classpath I have everything good because I have access to jsf components in jsp file.
When I create "New JavaServer Faces (JSF) Page (xhtml, xml syntax)" I have access to all jsf components (h: and f: libraries) and EL expression works well
but when I open my ready page in System editor it prints that there is mistake on line 2 column 2. Here is my small JSP file:
Here is what I have in System Editor:
Please, tell how you create new HTML page(but not jsp) with jsf components, if it is possible of course, or maybe you know what to do with mistake
on column 2 line 2. I have el expression working only on "New JavaServer Faces (JSF) Page (xhtml, xml syntax)" (after I select new JSP file in "Select a wizard" dialog).