Author/s : Deepak Vora
Publisher : Packt Publishing
Category :
Review by : Jeanne Boyarsky
Rating : 5 horseshoes
Java 7 JAX-WS Web Services" is a mini-book from Packt Press. This means it is 51 pages and costs less ($20.) While normally, I prefer paper books, I think the e-book is better for min-books because they are so short. And then the price drops to under $10 which makes the short length feel somewhat better.
Which is important because the book only has two chapters. One is on how to install glassfish and netbeans. Which leaves 35 pages of "real content. Chapter two was good though.
I think I would have liked the book better if the title was "My First Web Service with NetBeans." For someone new to NetBeans/Web Services, it is a fine tutorial. It covers the main tags and the major steps.
I emphasize the
word beginners - there were 35 screenshots in the book. Some were basics like "file > new file > java class" and some had more use. (Honestly, if you don't know how to create a class in your
IDE< you aren't ready to make a web service.)
I suspect other minibooks in the series are better though. This one doesn't feel like enough content for twenty bucks. And you'd have to be new to NetBeans for it to have much value for $10
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in
exchange for writing this review on behalf of CodeRanch.
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