Hmm, no I'm not. I have a div completely separate from the table and I fill it in as needed. Turning a div inside the cell into a flyout didn't even occur to me, but it might make the event handling easier at that. It also seems a bit cleaner to me. At the moment, I'm doing good with mouse movements. I save the top, left, bottom, and right of the td as I enter it, then bind a mousemove to ... well, I wanted to use body, but I didn't seem to get any events from that ... so, to a top level div that contains both the table and my flyout div. When I move outside the the td's boundaries, I hide the flyout and unbind the mousemove.
I'm finding it a bit tricky to position the flyout so it doesn't go outside the browser window. I'm letting the height and width vary by content, but those don't seem to be calculated until the flyout is shown. I don't really want to show it first and then position it, but is that the best option?
Bear Bibeault wrote:
This, by the way, has nothing to do with jQuery per se, but with how the browsers handle events.
Yeah, I'm really a server-side app guy, so many of the finer points of browser user interfaces are still a bit murky to me. I'm having fun though!