I am trying to deploy my grails application in
Tomcat 7.0.27
My application lib directory contains some properties file as well along with the Jars.
In tomcat server.xml, When I set unpackWARs false (compressed deployment), then apache-tomcat-7.0.27/work/Catalina/localhost/_/WEB-INF/lib directory contains only Jars not the properties files which I have in my application lib.
I also tried putting properties file in tomcat lib, But no lock..
. Is there any configuration in tomcat to troubleshoot this issue ?
Also when unpackWARs is false, there are only two folders lib and classes in apache-tomcat-7.0.27/work/Catalina/localhost/_/WEB-INF/. This is also creating a new problem as my application searches for some other folders also in WEB-INF. This works good with unpackWARs true.
Any help on the above two problems will really be appriceated
To overcome the above two problems, I can set unpackWARs true, but there is a problem in extracting the war. Suppose my war file name is ROOT.war and the ROOT folder is already existing in webapps, then the server starts do not extract the ROOT.war and my app goes up with the old ROOT folder.
What should be the best way to clean up existing extracted war folder ROOT ? For now, I am deleting the existing ROOT folder in the start up sctipt /etc/init.d/tomcat.
Should I set unpackWars true or false ?
Many many Thanks in advance..
The OS I am using is RHEL 5.2 .. Please let me know If you need more info
Prashant Gupta