I don't exactly remember the option. If there is an attribute named 'selected' in the html:radio tag, you can place that to make that option selected by default!
If you are using DyanaActionForm then a code "INTITAL" in struts-config.xml file .... <form-property name="ascdesc2" type="java.lang.String" initial="asc"/>
so that radio button correrspanding to "asc" checked by default
If you're not using DynaActionForm, you can override ActionForm's reset(...) method and set it there, or set it in an action that forwards to this JSP.
Originally posted by sai roy: when i opened the page the button has to seen as checked
Yes, I understand that. What we are telling you is that if you set the ActionForm property associated with the radio button to the correct value, Struts will automatically make it appear as checked when it is displayed.