Okay, so for this program I'm trying to make, user input is required for several integer values. I've made it so that if the user enters a value other than an integer, the program will output that the user input must be an integer, and prompt for input again. The problem is, though, the user input here is then applied to the next thing that requires input, completely skipping what the user had given improper input in the first place. For example, if the user inputted a
String when prompted for hours worked on Monday, and they enter "8" when prompted again after the error message appears, that 8 will not be applied to hours worked on Monday, but rather the next thing the program asks for input for: hours worked on Tuesday. The program just assigns a zero to hours worked on Monday. I would really appreciate help in fixing this problem. Thanks!
My program(the problem area is 125-199. Anything that appears as >< is just supposed to be <. I'm not sure why it shows up like that when I paste the code into the forums):