posted 11 years ago
In my project i need to add a JScrollPane to the JTable.
1st process:
In this process am adding JTable to the panel and Jpanel to the frame, i am getting the the table as like setting Boumds.
my requirement is when large data displays i need scrollpane.
so i am using 2nd process
2nd process
In this process am using JScrollpane, am adding JTable to the JscrollPane, JscrollPane to thr Jpanel and Jpanel to the frame.
In this one am getting the result but Table is very less compare to the table in 1st process.
3rd process:
In this one am adding table to the panel, panel to the JScrollpane and JScrollpane to the frame.
by using this process am not getting table on frame.
Any one could you help me.