In user home page i am using 3 tabs in that 1 tab is for personal , 2 tab is for resume details etc.. but i crated for personal form1 and resumes for form2. when i click in the resume tab i have to show resumes list using same jsp. when click that tab it is showing Null pointer exception. How to solve please help.......
I'm not entirely certain I understand your problem but my guess is that if someone submits form2 that when you redisplay the jsp you're missing the data for form1 so you get an exception when the jsp tries to redisplay the data for form1(let me know if this is a bad guess). Is there a reason why you need to use separate forms for this? If you must, then you can try hidding the data for form1 on form2 and vice versa, or you can look up the data from the other form again (this could be wastefull if the look up is a bottle neck).
...or maybe I don't understand the problem.
I guess I've been abducted by space aliens. So unprofessional. They tried to probe me with this tiny ad: