To help answer questions that members have already asked (and such good questions, thanks!), as well as to anticipate some, I'm posting some important quotes from various pieces of the "front matter". I hope this helps people understand what the book is all about.
JavaScript is important. That wasn’t always so, but it’s true now.
Web applications are expected to give users a rich user interface experience, and without JavaScript, you might as well just be showing pictures of kittens. More than ever, web developers need to have a sound grasp of the language that brings life to web applications.
And like orange juice and breakfast, JavaScript isn’t just for browsers anymore. The language has knocked down the walls of the browser and is being used on the server in engines such as Rhino and V8, and using frameworks like Node.js.
Although this book is primarily focused on JavaScript for web applications, the fundamentals of the language presented in part 2 of this book are applicable across the board.
With more and more developers using JavaScript, it’s now more important than ever that they grasp the fundamentals of the language, so that they can become true ninjas of the language.
This is not your first JavaScript book. If you’re a complete novice to JavaScript, or you only understand a handful of statements by searching the web for code snippets, this is not the book for you. Yet.
This book is aimed at web developers who already have at least a basic grasp of JavaScript. You should understand the basic structure of JavaScript statements and how they work to create straightforward on-page scripts. You don’t need to be an advanced user of the language—that’s what this book is for—but you shouldn’t be a rank novice.
You should also have a working knowledge of HTML and CSS. Again, nothing too advanced, but you should know the basics of putting a web page together.
If you want some good prerequisite material, grab one of the popular books on JavaScript and web development, and then tackle this one. We can recommend JavaScript: The Definitive Guide by David Flanagan, JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford, and Head First JavaScript by Michael Morrison.

From the preface by John Resig
When I started writing Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja years ago, in early 2008, I saw a real need: there were no books providing in-depth coverage of the most important parts of the JavaScript language (functions, closures, and prototypes), nor were there any books that attempted to cover writing cross-browser code. Unfortunately, the situation has not improved much, which is surprising.
More and more development energy is being put into new technologies (such as the ones coming out of HTML5 or the new versions of ECMAScript). But there isn’t any point to diving into new technologies, or using the hottest libraries, if you don’t have a proper understanding of the fundamental characteristics of the JavaScript language. While the future for browser development is bright, the reality is that most develop- ment needs to make sure that code continues to work in the majority of browsers and for the majority of potential users.
Even though this book has been under development for a long time, thankfully it is not out of date. The book has been given a solid set of revisions by my coauthor Bear Bibeault. He’s gone through and made sure that the material will continue to be relevant for a long time to come.
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