I have downloaded and installed jdk-7u10-windows-i586 in C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_10 directory and then under windows XP at system property>advanced>environmental variables>system variables I added a new variable JAVA_HOME with value C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_10 and also added %JAVA_HOME%\bin; to the beginning of path.
Now at command prompt when I type javac -version it says "javac is not recognized as internal or external command " but when I type
java -version it comes back wit "1.7.0_10'
Checking that your JDK is configured properly at "://www.coderanch.com/how-to/java/how-to-create-java-program " is telling me javac -version should return the version, why when I type javac it's not recognized???, it does not compile either.
trying to compile with java at C:\java\src>java MooseGreetings.java gives error "could not find or load class MooseGreetings.java" , I have made sure the file " MooseGreetings.java" exists under java/src , I created this sample program with a text editor that does not append extra extensions to file name. So I have 2 problems to start:
1. Javac is not recognized
2. sample program can not be found
Could anyone help me to start???