Hi, I am a business analyst who works between developers and end users.
Long ago, I wanted to take SCJA to show on my resume that I understand java language. Since I am a beginner in java, I thought SCJA would be a good certification for my role.
However, I recently found out that the new certification exam OCAJP7 replaced SCJA.
I have been studying java 7 time to time but I heard that OCAJP is a different form of SCJA. (more focused on programming, instead of concept)
Do you think OCAJP7 will still be useful for me? (I don't actually code- but work with developers)
The new OCAJP7 certification is specifically for the Java developers. As quoted on Oracle's website:
As you prepare for these certification exams, you’ll work your way through hands-on exercises and labs using real Java code, which expands your capabilities as a Java developer. Additionally, the certification exams validate your capabilities using real-world, scenario-based questions that assess and challenge your ability to think and perform.
The old
SCJA certification is both for entry level programmers and managers. As quoted on Oracle's website:
The Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 5/SE 6 certification provides an ideal entry into an application development or a software project management career using Java technologies. This worldwide credential validates basic knowledge of Object-Oriented Concepts, UML representation of OO concepts, the Java programming language, and general knowledge of Java Platforms and Technologies. Candidates for this exam include: entry level Java programmers, students studying to become Java programmers, project or program managers working with Java technology in the software development industry.
Considering your current role, I would suggest that you write the old SCJA exam.
For your information, here's a breakup of the exam objectives (old SCJA) and what it can offer to you;
Section 1: Fundamental Object-Oriented Concepts
This exam objective will make you familiar with the basic OO concepts - abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and
polymorphism. It covers various data types - primitives, objects and enums. It also covers familiarization with relationship between classes in Java.
Section 2: Java Implementation of Object-Oriented Concepts
This exam objective will require you to implement OO concepts and other points mentioned in section 1, using Java code (you would need to write code here!)
Section 3: Algorithm Design and Implementation
This section will make you familiar with pseudo-code and algorithms - powerful tools to communicate logic of a program, without using any particular programming language. This is an asset for the position you are in. For the exam, you would need to know how to implement simple pseudo code/ algorithms in Java using code (you would need to write code here!).
Section 4: Java Development Fundamentals
This section is a combination of skills required for a manager and a programmer. Use of javac command, java command, usage of import and package statement would require you to write code and execute it.
The sub objective that deals with describing the purpose and types of classes for the Java packages java.awt, javax.swing, java.io, java.net, java.util won't require you to dig into these packages and use write code that use them.
Section 5: Java Platforms and Integration Technologies
This section includes a high level overview (no coding) for multiple java platforms and technologies - J2SE, J2ME,
JDBC, SQL, RDMS, JNDI, messaging, and JMS.
Section 6: Client Technologies
Again, this section includes a high level overview (no coding) of client technologies like HTML, JavaScript, J2ME MIDlets,
Applets and Swing.
Section 7: Server Technologies
This section includes a high level overview (no coding) of server technologies like EJB,
JSP, JMS, SMTP, JAX-RBC, WebServices, JavaMail, EJB, Web tier, business tier and EIS tier.
All the exam objectives of
OCAJP7 focus on programming:
1. Java Basics
2. Working With Java Data Types
3. Using Operators and Decision Constructs
4. Creating and Using Arrays
5. Using Loop Constructs
6. Working with Methods and Encapsulation
7. Working with Inheritance
8. Handling Exceptions
Hope this information helps you to choose the right certification.
WIth respect,