I have a runnable
java class with main. It runs from eclipse.
I put is the same jvm argument and same classpath that runs in eclipse run configuration, but will not run from command line.
Is there a way to force eclipse to show me what the effective command line being run would be. It is not showing up in the console.
${IV4_ROOT}/pathToMissingProperty/* contains n4_common.properties
${IV4_ROOT}/lib/* contains all the hibernate jars
${IV4_ROOT}/n4build/classes is the directory where
ant compiles all the java classes to for the eclipse project.
from the command line executing
>java -classpath ${IV4_ROOT}/pathToMissingProperty/*:${IV4_ROOT}/lib/*:${IV4_ROOT}/n4build/classes: -DAPP_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD=MYPAS_WORD com.mycompany.EventFixer
gives me
Any thoughts on why I am getting this exception???
Thanks for any help