Hey everyone,
this is my first post, as a background, im learning
java with Stanford programming methodology (about 1/2 way through)
Okay so im making this Breakout game (ball bounce on paddle, ball kill bricks)
I'm trying to wrap my head around making my own classes.
so i decided I want to split this class into many (just to learn and get familiar with creating my own classes.)
My main program is the breakout class
i want to have the createBrickWall class, a detectCollision class etc...
So i created the createBrickWall class to
test this out.
(I removed the constants variable for clarity)
Problem is, I couldn't figure out how to do this outside of making a GCompound.
in my main class, i used to have a private GRect brick object to keep track of the bricks to break.
Here's the simplified collision code:
The problem with this, is that now as soon as the ball hit any of the brick, the whole GCompound (the whole wall) disappear.
I though that if I could somehow have access to the
Public GRect brick
That is in the brickwall class, then I could do something like
But I don't know how to do it.
So even if a declare the
public GRect brick
in the brickwall class, the breakout class doesn't seem to have access to it.
And even if it worked, i don't really understand how to get every objects created in the brickwall class to be tracked in the main breakout class...
Tank you!!!