posted 11 years ago
Hi every one.
I really stack on this issue. I am making a code that makes POST Request to a server with username and password as a parameter. I dont know why i am getiing 500 error. Here is the code, Please check it for me.
This is what i did.
1. First i send GET request and read the header of the HTTP response to
get the CookieName and CookieValue. This is working.
2. Then i create another HTTP connection to do the post Request, But
this time since it is a new connection the server generates NEW and
different Cookie(To be exact NEW session_ID)from the first one. So I am
sending NEW Request with the OLD session_ID. And i have to create a NEW
connection for ever Request i made, so i cant do both the GET and post
Requests with one Connection.
This one is my potential problem.
1. Do you think i can do the POST request without the Cookie sent again, based on the server login detail below?
2. If not, how can i do the POST request with the connection i created to read theheader(two requests with just one HTTP connection)?
3. The result i am getting is 500 error, Do you think the problem is ONLY from ther server side?
4. Finally What does it mean if i get "Wrong Username and password " message, does that mean surely my post request does work ?
Thank you!
Here is the Login deatail of the server, python based
And here is the source of the login page.