Hi all,
I am new to
EJB world,reading EJB in Action book to get the basic concepts. I understood that EJB is useful for writing reusable business compoents(pure business project) in any orgnization.To implement this i tried a HelloWorld example with below approach
1. Installed RAD with WAS7 for writing a EJB component in my local system
2.Installed JDK in my local system
3. BY pointing to WAS7 JDK, written below code and deployed to WAS7 successfully
Now i want to write a client application by pointing to Installed JDK, am i need to genrate any stubs for this?If so how can i genrate the stubs?
In webservices the interaction will be done in the form of XML's,so how the interaction will done from client to SessionBean in EJB?