What’s new in this release?
The long awaited version of
Aspose.Pdf for Java 4.1.2 has been released. Aspose development team tried their level best to deliver a robust and powerful component that can provide same set of features that are available on .NET. In the previous releases the component did not work well on Linux. We are very much excited to announce this maintenance release, Aspose.Pdf for
Java 4.1.2, which provides compatibility with Linux. During our
testing, we have ensured that Aspose.Pdf for Java is compatible with the major Linux flavors, including Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.7 and Debian6 Linux. This release also includes some fixes regarding PDF to raster image conversion. The intent of providing two jar files is to keep the migration impact as minimal as we can. Some important bug fixes included in this release are given below
- Error using saveAsTIFF method of PdfConverter class
- Aspose PDF (v4.0) for Java on Linux - runtime issues
- Problem with images which have alpha layer
- Exception in FormEditor on Linux
- Provide JavaDocs for new DOM model of MergedAPI
- Black pixels appear when adding an anti-aliased transparent image to a pdf
- Compile fails when com.aspose.pdf.Document.save() is used
- Provider com.aspose.ms.charsets.utf7.UTF7CharsetProvider not found
- com.aspose.pdf.Form.iterator() leads to freezing of eclipse & compilation error
- Problem viewing the PDF file when Image stamp is added
- Exception thrown while using PdfConveter on linux
Newly added documentation pages and articles
Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Pdf for Java documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Pdf for performing different tasks like the followings.
- Replace Text in pages of a PDF Document
- Adding Text in Header or Footer of PDF File
Overview: Aspose.Pdf for Java
Aspose.Pdf is a Java PDF component to create PDF documents without using Adobe Acrobat. It supports Floating box, PDF form field, PDF attachments, security, Foot note & end note, Multiple columns document, Table of Contents, List of Tables, Nested tables, Rich text format, images, hyperlinks, JavaScript, annotation, bookmarks, headers, footers and many more. Now you can create PDF by API, XML and XSL-FO files. It also enables you to converting HTML, XSL-FO and Excel files into PDF.
More about Aspose.Pdf for Java
- Homepage of Aspose.Pdf for Java
- Download Aspose.Pdf for Java
- Read online documentation of Aspose.Pdf for Java
- Post your technical questions/queries to
Aspose.Pdf for Java Forum
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Aspose.Pdf for Java blog
Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Aspose – Your File Format Experts
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465