I'm interested in multiple areas in IT, multiple programming languages and software technologies.
DZone - More focus on programming. Good for learning recipes, techniques and frameworks.
InfoQ - Excellent articles and talks. They are more big picture - like architecture level.
Hacker News - Generally IT focussed, but often see articles that are completely unrelated, though of general interest to IT people. Exposes you to wide variety of startup ideas, advice and opinions of other IT people.
High Scalability - Very focussed on high scalability architectures and techniques used nowadays (nosql and stuff like that).
Twitter - If you follow the right people, it's useful. But following on twitter all the time is a time waster. Personally, I prefer subscribing to their blogs via RSS.
Between them, these cover very broad areas in IT - from software frameworks to things like datacenter virtualization. I also follow technology specific blogs, but they are too numerous to list here.