You correct in your assertion that the only objects available in a Velocity template are those that have been added to the context. This is why Velocity is particularly suitable for use in an MVC environment - it is difficult to break encapsulation and have the Velocity template start acting like a controller.
When using VelocityViewServlet, the DateTool (and other tools) are are added to the context using the toolbox.xml file. VVS is used when using Velocity directly from a
servlet and when using Velocity with
Struts. When using Velocity with Spring, Spring provides its own toolbox notion that works in an identical fashion to the VSS toolbox.
As for whose reponsibility it is to *format* the data, then I would say the View since, by defintion, the View is responsible for rendering the data from the Model to the user. If that data needs to be in a given format then the formatting is the responsibility of the View.