I am using Eclipse with Websphere 6.1, the webservices runtime are axis or jax-rpc.
When I try to generate the webservice client from this WSDL, it show me a message informing that it is not possible to generate the stubs from this WSDL.
I try to use Axis2 to generates stubs through command line with the WSDL2java.bat file but it only generates me one class.
In the eclipse i use the WTP wizard "Web Service Client" i insert the URI of the WSDL and usually eclipse create the stub class in the project but with the WSDL file that is on the link , the wizard tells me that can not "read" the WSDL file. I already have validated and i can not see what is wrong with that WSDL file.
Can anyone have a clue with what is wrong with this WSDL?
Above is the WSDL that i was speaking.
Best Regards
Thanks in advance