What is new in this release?
Aspose development team is happy to announce the monthly release of
Aspose.Words for Java &.NET 13.10.0 as well as Aspose.Words for Android 1.3. We have just integrated an overhaul of our existing HTML engine which adds better support for CSS features and improves overall performance when working with HTML based documents. As you may know HTML documents differs greatly from traditional
Word documents so it takes a detailed underlying engine to convert between the two formats with high fidelity, and while our old engine dealt well with many HTML documents there was room for improvement. This new engine is the result of many months of work by our developers and we know you will enjoy the results that it brings. This is also good news to many customers as this rework closes many open issues that customers have faced with the old HTML engine. Aspose.Words now supports rendering documents to PDF with PDF/A-1a compliance level. This compliance encompasses all of the requirements of PDF/A-1b which Aspose.Words already supports and ensures the document can be searched and repurposed. With this compliance document features are also exported to the logical structure contained in the document. Check out our documentation which demonstrates How to convert any supported document to PDF with just two lines of code. To define the compliance type and many other options when converting to PDF check out the PdfSaveOptions class. The list of new and improved features in this release are listed below
- Finally implemented a much richer support of CSS cascading and inheritance in HTML and MHTML imports
- Added support of table styles in HTML and MHTML imports
- Quirks and Standards modes are supported now in HTML import
- Improved import of CSS margins for paragraphs, lists and tables
- Base PDF/A-1b compliance level is implemented in rendering to PDF
- Improved floating shape positioning in complex scenarios
- Implemented vertical section alignment
- Support 'style' attribute of 'img'
- When import “blockquote”, paragraph should have indentations on left and on right sides.
- Support PDF/A-1a compliance level
- Support 'inherit' (explicit CSS attribute inheritance) on import
- Font size is incorrect upon rendering is now fixed
- Support CSS styles on table, tr, td and th nodes on import
- Add support for tables styles during HTML import
- CSS styles applied to element by id is ignored upon importing HTML.
- Multiple classes are completely ignored upon HTML import
- Background color is applied to paragraph instead of table cell during HTML import
- Import CSS from HTML Feature
- All spans in paragraph inherits formatting of span with “display:block” attribute set.
- Font is now changed during appending with UseDestinationStyles
- Document looks different when converting from HTML to other format.
- Cell background color is imported as paragraph background color when CSS sheet is used
- Consider adding an ability to set “Document structure tags for accessibility” option.
- Try to avoid a line break after each text line in PDF.
- Table looks are corrected
- While converting HTML to EPUB, embedded CSS malfunctioning is fixed
- Support importing nested CSS selectors from HTML
- Support 'style' attribute of <h1> ... <h6>
- Border style is applied to a cell's text (to a child paragraph) instead of to the cell itself
- DocumentBuilder.InsertHtml supports only styles from CSS
- Font-family specified inside paragraph style is changed after HTML import.
- Import css style names used in table tags during converting Html to Word
- Support tick mark type.
- Html to Doc/Docx/Pdf file conversion issue with images is fixed
- AW applies "font-size" css property to text if property is specified for body element in HTML import but browsers don't.
- Border is now properly applied to table in HTML import (system color values aren't supported).
- Border CSS style specified for div is now present in resulting DOCX in HTML import.
- If hyperlink is a first child in body hyperlink has space after set to 0 in HTML import.
- td's "text-decoration" css property is not applied to cell's text in HTML import is now fixed
- Extra border appears around text in HTML import is now fixed
- Text formatting issue is fixed during open/save
- MS Word 2002 crashes when try to open
DOC file produced by Aspose.Words.
- Border appears around paragraph after importing HTML is now fixed
- Margin-bottom attribute issue is resolved in specified CSS
- Numbering format is changed upon rendering is now fixed
- MoveToMergeField should move based off the builder's current position is fixed
- Unicode symbols are filtered out of document runs, resulting in information loss during round-trip is now fixed
- Support characters from Unicode Supplementary Planes
- Bullet character symbol change after resave the document is now fixed
- Font size change is resolved after appending one document to another
- Docx to PDF conversion issue with image position is fixed
- Docx to PDF conversion issue with page is fixed
- Docx to PDF conversion issue with header text is resolved
- Exception resolved while loading MHTML file
- Docx to Pdf conversion issue with footnotes is fixed
- Refactoring of HTML Import is enhanced
- Use of auto spacing for paragraphs on HTML import is enhanced
- Apply margin values of parent HTML elements to paragraphs
- Table cell margins in HTML quirks mode
- Support nowrap attribute of TD
- Support vertical alignment of section followed by "section break continuous"
- A Drop Cap letter renders twice in PDF
- Take width of paragraph border into account on HTML import
- Wrong number format after field update is now fixed
- Enhancement of HTML import of lists
- PdfTextureBrushTilingPattern caching improvement
- h1, h2 and h3 has "Arial" default font but browsers use "Times New Roman" in HTML import is now fixed
- CSS style-sheets specified for print media should be ignored in HTML import.
- Floating shape is rendered on the wrong page is now fixed
- Shape rendering issue is resolved twice
- A DrawingML is repeated many times in PDF is now fixed
Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release
Newly added documentation pages and articles
Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Words for .NET documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Words for performing different tasks like the followings.
- Supported Features on Document Load
- How to Convert a Document to PDF
Overview: Aspose.Words
Aspose.Words is a word processing component that enables .NET,
Java & Android applications to read, write and modify Word documents without using Microsoft Word. Other useful features include document creation, content and formatting manipulation, mail merge abilities, reporting features, TOC updated/rebuilt, Embedded OOXML, Footnotes rendering and support of DOCX,
DOC, WordprocessingML, HTML, XHTML, TXT and PDF formats (requires Aspose.Pdf). It supports both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. You can even use Aspose.Words for .NET to build applications with Mono.
More about Aspose.Words
- Homepage of
Aspose.Words for .NET
- Homepage of
Java Word Library
- Homepage of
Aspose.Words for Android
- Download Aspose.Words for .NET
- Download Aspose.Words for Java
- Demos for Aspose.Words for .NET
- Online documentation of Aspose.Words for .NET:
- Post your technical questions/queries to
Aspose.Words for .NET
- Receive notifications about latest news and supported features by subscribing to
Aspose.Words for .NET
Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Aspose - Your File Format Experts
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465