Actually I use MyEclise to develop and deploy a enterprise project(EAR file).
I use
Java Build Path to add some other projects and link sources, and added several jar files (as external jar and user library) to my project. (I used
J2EE technology and there are some default jar of course )
By myeclise deploying manager I deployed my project on weblogic base_domain and then by weblogic console I deploy it on weblogic.
All is set and there is no problem in all steps.
Now I wanna to create EAR file manually, first I created WAR file which included some
jsf files and web-inf directory contains classes, lib directories and some important file like web.xml , facec-config.xml and etc.
In classes folder I have .class files which build correctly from .java files, and on lib directory**I copied all jar file from web-inf/lib directory** which created automatically by myeclipse deploying manager on weblogic base domain folder.
I added this War file into EAR file along APP-INF directory which contains all jar files from APP-INF/lib directory on weblogic base domain folder and META-INF directorywhat contains application.xml file.
When I deploy this ear file on weblogic there is so many error and problems.
Could you tell me what is the correct way to create that EAR file.
Thanks in advance