I started studying for the 1Z0-807 on January 7th.
I knew I would have to read a lot of books, and it wouldn’t be fast. I knew I would spend a few months for the preparation. So below is the list of books I’ve read for the exam.
IT Architectures and Middleware... by Britton/Bye (this book is just good overall. It lays a solid foundation for the software architecture. You may not need it for part 1, but I still recommend it)Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture by Martin Fowler (Actually, I read this book long ago, but used as a reference while reading other patterns books. Very good book, timeless classics)SOA in Practice by Nicolai M. Josuttis (again, I read this book long ago. It delivers some useful concepts of SOA, like orchestration and choreography, that are in the exam and that I could not find anywhere else)UML Distilled by Martin Fowler et al (UML is not part of 1Z0-807, so you do not need it for OCMJEA6 Part 1)Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java EE Study Guide (2nd Edition) by Cade and Sheil (although it is for SCEA5, I think it is still very important book. Must read)Design Patterns by GoF (Not all GoF patterns survived transition to 1Z0-807, so you may want to read only those patterns that are in the objectives)Core J2EE Patterns: Best practices and Design strategies by Depak Alur et al (controversial one. Some of patters from this book became anti-patterns with Java EE6. Only read presentation layer patterns, since they are still in 1Z0-807. Do not read the rest)Real World Java EE Patterns - Rethinking Best Practices by Adam Bien (10 out of 10. Awesome book. JEE6 in a nutshell. It also has infrastructural patterns that were introduced in 1Z0-807)Bitter Java by Bruce A Tate (this book, and the next one, are outdated, however they describe certain so called “anti-patterns” that are included in 1Z0-807. Skim through this and next book briefly, only to grasp basic ideas about these anti-patterns. Do not spend more than 2 days on either of them)Bitter EJB by Bruce A Tate (same as for Bitter Java. Do not spend much time on this one) Oracle Certified Master, Java EE Enterprise Architect by Amritendu De (this is a collection of mock questions for OCMJEA5, not a tutorial of any kind. Questions from this book are somewhat oversimplified, expect that real exam will be more difficult. This book also covers part 2 and part 3)
OCM Java EE 6 Enterprise Architect Exam Guide became available on Amazon not long ago. I did not read this book so I cannot comment on it.
I did not read
Head First Design Patterns, but people who I trust told me that this book is very good. Consider it as an alternative, if not primary, source of information about GoF patterns. I have read a number of other books from "Head First" series and I liked them all.
When I was studying for the exam, I was making notes using google docs. I shared some of them here at coderanch, you can find links to my notes, along with a lot of other very useful information,
in SCEA online resources section.
I passed 1Z0-807 with the score 78% on June 7th, and so I spent 5 month exactly for the preparation.
This is about it, let me know if you more questions.