Hi all,
I have an ear deployed successfully on weblogic which is located at location <BEA_HOME>/user_projects/application/test.ear. I also have domain created at <BEA_HOME>/user_projects/domain/test/ with some more application specific jar files. Application is working fine till here.
I tried to deploy the exploded test.ear (using "jar -xvf test.ear") and placed the contents in new directory structure <BEA_HOME>/user_projects/domain/
new_domain/myApplication/myEar/. My ear has some application specific jars directly under it, APP-INF/lib/<app spcific jars> and META-INF/<weblogic-application.xml, application.xml(containing the list of jars directly packed inside ear)l> .
I have further exploded only couple of jars inside myEar/ folder ,on which I'll be making modification. I did ensure that directory has same name as jar's name (i.e placing content of abc.jar inside abc.jar/ directory)
When I try to deploy from weblogic console it does not get deployed correctly(Gives an error of noclassDefFound for multiple
java classes). Is there any basic step missing or I'm following incorrect steps to deploy exploded ear?
I also wanted to know if a new weblogic domain needs to be created or I can use the same domain which was created while deploying test.ear ?