Hey there, I'm having a bit of trouble with this project:
We're given a text file of 5 students, with 4 number grades following each name in a separate line. We have to use our main method to read the file, then perform calculations in the gradebook class. However, from what others in class have been saying the method we're using is archaic at best, involving Parallel arrays. We don't really seem to have any other option though, so I'm making due with what I can. But near what I'm hoping is the end of this code, I've encountered a problem, where it says the index that contains the grades for students is out of bounds.
I've rewritten the readFile method in my main in quite a few different ways, but no matter what I still get these errors. Could anyone help me understand what's going on? I'll post everything I can.
I also apologize if I'm a bit slow/incapable with this, this is my first time coding
java in months unfortunately.
This here is the error I got: