Campbell Ritchie wrote:Welcome to the Ranch
How do you work out such an average? How do you find the nearest whole number like that?
What have you written?
Bashkim Ukshini wrote: I didn't add anything yet...
Bashkim Ukshini wrote:Isn't that already written in this part:.
Bashkim Ukshini wrote:I don't quite get this to be honest, can you please explain shortly, I might get more confortable once I understand this part...
Bashkim Ukshini wrote:Should I use a Foor loop?
Bashkim Ukshini wrote:
Da mihi sis bubulae frustum assae, solana tuberosa in modo Gallico fricta ac quassum lactatum coagulatum crassum.
Aj Prieto wrote:
Bashkim Ukshini wrote:
You should change the line on how you compute the average.
Remember, average = (sum of all elements) / (total number of elements)
Bashkim Ukshini wrote:what if I get two numbers with the equal distance to the average.. how to save them both? I need an idea.
Bashkim Ukshini wrote:What do you think guys?
Yes, and no.Bashkim Ukshini wrote:Isn't that already written in this part:
. . .
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