I have a very long
string of comma-separated data I need to send to our RESTEasy (JAX-RS) web service.
I'm thinking that due to the length of the string (potentially hundreds of values), I need to use the post.Entity syntax.
However, it appears that the service only will return a Response object with a status code (200, 404, or whatever).
Instead, however, what I'm
trying to do is call the service with a POST and get the result of the calculation done in the service back as the "response" data or return value.
Is it possible to treat a JAX-RS @Post WS method like a "function" and return some single (calculated in the web service, in my case) value back to the caller?
Also, I'm assuming I can't send a complex type like a class instance to a JAX-RS class like I can with JAX-WS, correct?
Thanks in advance for all replies and suggestions!
- mike