You know what, I lied. I went down to the basement to rifle through a stack of old books and there it was, the old yellow and blue book by Tom Gilb. Here's one quote that is very Agile-esque:
Tom Gilb wrote:
The fluid attribute-level principle:
Don't ever try to freeze exact attribute requirements. You must expect changes by the user during development, and because of the uncontrolled side-effects of your real system.
And in the chapter on "Deeper perspectives on evolutionary delivery":
We can decide that an evolutionary step is a failure and we can revert to the status immediately previous to that step. But, we cannot eliminate the user and developer experience in the failed step. Indeed, we want to learn from the mistake and change the future for the better.
Shades of the thinking that TDDers have, right?
He even cites the work of Christopher Alexander and his group in "The Oregon Experiment," regarding architecture and
patterns. Of course, we all know Alexander was very influential in the work of the GoF on design patterns.
I don't know if many up and coming software developers today have even heard of Tom Gilb, much less some of his ideas that were, I believe, very influential in getting us to where we are today.
Good stuff.