Antonio Rafael Rodrigues wrote:Congratulations Mike!!!
I'm very happy to read that, as we discussed a lot about the certification (I've a better english now LOL).
I'm going to submit my assignment on the weekend. After the submition, do I have to wait some kind of feedback from Oracle to take the part 3 or I can take the exam in the very next day?
Thanks and Congrats again!
Thanks buddy !
Our discussions were important for me too, as they helped to make sure I am on right track.
You can take the exam the very next day (provided that you can book the next day in your
test centre), it is up to you.
Many people here recommended to keep the gap as short as possible,
however I decided to take a break for 1 week.
For the essay, you will have to type a lot, and to type very fast -
so make sure you can quickly, with no hesitation, answer all questions of a kind
"what technology you used for presentation/business/persistence tier, what alternatives you considered, and why you rejected that alternatives".
Good luck !!