posted 9 years ago
Scenario : This is a customer support application and the scenario in question is Issue Resolution Scenario. Support Manager clicks a certain link which shows list of issues to be resolved. Corresponding to each issue is an input field where the Support Manager can add the name of a Support Executive and submits the form. This UI form is rendered from issueResolution.jsp .
Backing Form Object :
If you see the issueResolution.jsp, the form would have multiple input tags. I expect the value of name attribute to form the Key in the allotments map in the backing object and the data entered by the user to be binded to corresponding value in the allotments map in the backing object (i.e. Resolution object).
Since this is not a straight forward conversion. Using Property Editors and WebDataBinders is one way i would like to explore. But in this scenario it seems a little complicated. I am open to all ways except MessageConverters as of now.