I have question about web development / design field. I know basic HTML,CSS,js and php.And I know how to make websites using cms like WordPress and Squarespace(fairly easy).It has been 2months(because of my exams ) ,I haven't touched them.My question is how do I start from zero again in a systematic way so that I have advanced level of knowledge in this field. I have heard
alot from my cousins(engineers) that in later years there will be much demand of MEAN i.e.,mango db,express ,
angular js and node js. I want to become a full fledged stack developer of good knowledge(not just basic),every next guy has nowadays basic knowledge of web development and design.I thought for a nanodegree course but thats 200$ per month(too costly atleast for me).Please guide me a way.A brief note about me-I am first year engineering student and I have aimed to get good knowledge in 3 field by the end of my 3rd year .(please give your views if I am not thinking right way)1-web development. 2-core programming(
Java only)3-networking.If this is not type of the question to be asked on this forum ,I beg your pardon.