posted 22 years ago
I'm running into a situation where I am unable to allocate a full 1GB (-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -Xmn256m) on start-up of my application. I'm able to get 800mb (-Xms800mb -Xmx800mb -Xmn200m), but the minute I try to increase my heap, I receive the following message "JVM Error...Unable to allocate enough memory on start-up".
I've applied the appropriate patches/bundles and made major kernel adjustments after running HPJconfig, HPJmeter and a few other utilities.
I've attached some of my current parameters:
max_thread_proc 3000
maxfiles 2048
maxfiles_lim 2048
ncallout 6000
nkthread 6000
nfile 30010
nproc 4088
maxdsiz 503866
maxssiz 19531
maxtsiz 16384
maxuprc 4078
dbc_max_pct 7
dbc_min_pct 2
ninode 4768
maxusers 512
**Also, I have about 8GB of swap space and swapmem_on is set to 1.
Any recommendations? I'm a little stumped...
I guess what I am getting at...Am I limited to a certain heap size on start-up, always, or not at all depending on the physical RAM on my server. I have 4GB on this server and nothing else is running....