On p.435 of Head First, mock exam question 12:
How would you include dynamic content in a JSP , similar to a server-side include (SSI) ?
A. <%@ include file="/segments/footer.jsp" %>
Option A is incorrect because it uses an include directive, which is for static includes that happen at transition time.
But I think option A is correct because on p.409:
But if the included thing is dynamic, and you are using the static include directive, does that mean that the dynamic stuff is evaluated only once?
Let's say you include a JSP that has an EL expression that calls the rollIt function that generates a random number.
Remember, with the include directive, that EL expression is simply copied into the including JSP. So each time that page is accessed, the EL expression runs and a new
random number is generated. Burn this in: with the include directive, the source of the included thing becomes part of the page with the include directive.
With this quote on p. 409, I think option A is correct.